
Comment history with Reidar


Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 comments

yeah exactly what i was about to say.

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Jul 8, 08 9:43 pm

The past is where we draw our perceptions from. Without the ability to consider what has happened before and what will happen in the future, the only plane of existence is the moment - living on command, like an automaton. That's what separates man from beast.

Damn, we should be in movies from the '50s.

Posted by Reidar on Jul 8, 08 9:17 pm

I see,why should I regret something I did? Why dwell on the past?

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Jul 8, 08 8:48 pm


Posted by Reidar on Jul 7, 08 9:15 pm

regret what

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Jul 7, 08 10:21 am

You'll regret that.

Posted by Reidar on Jul 5, 08 5:12 am


Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Jul 5, 08 1:30 am
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