
Comment history with sharerol


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 comments

lol i'm chinese but people always think im flip or mixed or something. and hmm i wasn't scared but i was on top of a mountain haha =p

Posted by sharerol on Aug 22, 08 12:27 am

Aw thanks yepsss i'm a filp =D
You look scared in your pic lol

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Aug 21, 08 10:16 pm

Oh yeah i definitely keep an eye on you (all stalker!) lol i think that sounded a little too much. =x

Btw you look really pretty in your pic(profile pic thingy)! Are you filipino?

Posted by sharerol on Aug 20, 08 3:38 pm

howdy, yeah you see me a lot in the forums :shifty:
Yeah well I see you too (no stalker) lol
What's up?

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Aug 20, 08 1:56 pm

hola =] i've seen you around a lot. whats up?

Posted by sharerol on Aug 20, 08 3:51 am
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  • 19 years old