
Comment history with Tung


Displaying 41 - 60 of 73 comments

Hi Aimee. It feels like I haven't talk to you in years. What's up?

Posted by pessimist on Jan 25, 08 8:24 pm

"Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
I've got this feeling, so appealing,
for us to get together and sing. Sing!"

yay! new pic!

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 19, 07 9:36 pm

" BANANATUNG " Did some one copy your sn adn your thing =O ??

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 18, 07 11:17 am


Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 15, 07 4:55 pm

I love you choice in music =]
I love the banana pic of u turns me on haha.
I just had a banana and I thought about u.

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 11, 07 7:35 pm

So far I have to say you got a good taste in music and that you probably are way better at the guitar then me. =]

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 9, 07 9:21 am

LMAO. Yeah, i know that song. Haha. And thanks my background. I actually made it myself, i collaged a whole bunch of pics together of bands i liked and yeah. And my song, this is the one song i play on my guitar to pick up chicks lmao. i serenade them.

Posted by pessimist on Oct 8, 07 3:50 pm

I love you background too =D

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 8, 07 3:08 pm

OMG Do you remember that song "banana phone"! It reminded me of you haha.

I love your song

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 8, 07 3:08 pm

Your a tease!
Just make ten div layouts
I'm planning to do that.

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 5, 07 6:12 pm

lol. not everyone. i just copy and paste "hey cutie" on everyones profile lol. just to boost my posts up haha. i even did it to guys too LMAO. but yeah, if i really mean you are cute, i would let you know multiple times, not jut a "hey cutie" haha.

Posted by pessimist on Oct 5, 07 5:23 pm

I'm here now =D

Plus you say everyone is cute...dumby.

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 5, 07 4:53 pm

It hurted me =[ . I cried when you werent around.

Posted by pessimist on Oct 5, 07 1:15 pm

I didn't kno it hurt you =[

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 5, 07 10:52 am


Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 4, 07 9:15 pm

Aimee! where are you in my life. havent seen you around the forums lately lol.

Posted by pessimist on Oct 4, 07 9:09 pm

Spice Girls =[

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 3, 07 12:51 pm

spice girls has gone on hiatus !!

Posted by pessimist on Oct 3, 07 12:31 am

what happened to spice girls ='[ haha

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Oct 2, 07 9:03 pm

nice backgorund pic lol
And the user name.. tungmybanana

Stop- Spice girls
Wow that's old.

Posted by InsertUsernameHere on Sep 26, 07 9:49 pm
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  • 19 years old